Got me my delivery pretty quickly! I live in Raleigh, North Carolina and it only took maybe 7 days to get my m30f. As a Simone new to stedicam with a limited budget and from what I see of my m30f it’s a good value for the money. It’s sturdy and well made as far as I can see. My main concern at this point in my stedicam journey is to practice practice and more practice. Also the fact that I can convert this into a Tilta float/Arri trinity device with the provided parts with the full kit is a a frat bonus!!!! I’m in the process of selling my Tilta float now which has served me wee for shows for mtv and Netflix but I feel the Laing will do even better for me! Lookout for me on YouTube to do a review of what seems like a good tool to have in one’s filmmaking arsenal.